The long-running debate over whether Apple's Mac OS is more secure than Microsoft's Windows is distorted by marketing, myth and misinformation, writes Liam Tung.While Macs are 'PC virus free' because they don't ordinarily run Windows, Apple's increasing marketshare has attracted coders who write malicious software or 'malware' just for it.The past few weeks have shown that Mac users are not safer because Apple implemented better security, they are safer simply because fewer attackers target that platform.
"Macs are definitely not more secure," explains Dr Charlie Miller from US IT security firm Accuvant.
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Miller is a highly-regarded security researcher who has won thousands of dollars and fans in hacking circles for finding serious flaws in Apple's desktop OSX and mobile iOS software.
"[Macs] used to be in fact a lot less secure than Windows but now they have more or less caught up to where they are a little less secure than Windows. It's so close you pretty can't much argue about it," says Miller.He and the wider security research industry are responsible for finding a large portion of the flaws that software vendors eventually 'patch'. It's a critical process that Apple and Microsoft handle differently.Microsoft delivers a monthly 'Patch Tuesday' batch of software and security fixes that offer consumers a predictable rhythm.
Apple on the other hand is widely-criticized for its sporadic security updates that are often shrouded in secrecy.
"The security updates issued by Apple are issued too slow and not an any regular schedule," says Rik Ferguson, director security research at antivirus firm, Trend Micro.
"Should Apple start patching more quickly? In general terms yes, and particularly where an exploit is in-the-wild."
Yet Macs can and still are considered "safer" than Windows because of the relative rarity of Mac malware, a catchall term for spyware, keyloggers, worms and viruses.Russian antivirus firm Kaspersky estimated in April that Mac malware totals fewer than 300 samples.Windows on the other hand faces millions of threats, even if that number can be reduced by grouping them into families.Comparing a fully-patched versions of each vendor's operating system, "right now Mac OS X is safer because there are less types of malware targeting this platform," Vicente Diaz, a senior malware analyst with Russian security firm Kaspersky Lab tells IT Pro.Miller agrees. "It's not like it's harder to write malware for OS X, it's just not out there yet, but no matter how you count [malware], there's still millions of times more for Windows than Macs right now."
Flashback and antivirus
IT Pro asked Apple for a response to the experts' claims, but its Australian media department declined the offer.
There's no shortage of security researchers who criticise Apple's response to the recent Flashback trojan malware outbreak.
Flashback's success, compared with previous Mac malware, happened in part because it exploited a flaw in Oracle's Java software, allowing it to silently install on the victim's system.
It was a mass, automated attack of the kind that has threatened Windows users for years: a drive-by download where infections occur merely by visiting an infected website.
Flashback netted some 700,000 Macs worldwide, according to several security companies monitoring infections.
Other reasons for the unprecedented infection is that Apple has wrongly convinced people Macs don't need antivirus, and its Java security update came 50 days after Oracle had fixed it.
"In this case we have seen how the "no anti-virus needed" marketing campaign of Apple made their users more likely to not have their defences ready when more was needed," says Kaspersky's Diaz.
"The most recent (Apple) security update contains fixes for many vulnerabilities ... six weeks after Microsoft, Adobe and Oracle released their fixes," adds Ferguson.
Yet there's no guarantee that any antivirus product would have prevented infection, given that they too reacted to its discovery.
But even those without antivirus to sell they agree Apple is slow to respond to security threats.
"[Apple has] always been slow, it's just never really been an issue until now," says Miller.
What remains to be seen is whether it will become necessary as it is on Windows.
"Until a couple of weeks ago, I always said no, [Mac antivirus] wasn't necessary," says Miller. "Unless you were in an enterprise, the cost and resources antivirus needs to do scanning all the time wasn't worth it because there really wasn't any malware out there."
Miller still refuses to run antivirus on his machine, and has previously advised others to switch to Macs to avoid Windows threats.
"My sister, she's the one I fall back to because she used to run Windows and I was over there once every couple of months fixing her computer because it had malware. So I told her to buy a Mac and since then it hasn't been a problem."
Yet the Windows versus Mac debate perhaps over-simplifies the state of threats out there for consumers. Most malware today can be traced back to Windows XP's dominance from early 2000s to today, supporting the theory that Apple's market share, which until recently hadn't risen above 5 per cent, made it an unworthy target.
According to Ryan Smith, chief scientist at security firm Accuvant Labs, most malware is written specifically for Windows XP, not Microsoft's more recent releases, Vista or Windows 7, both which offer newer in-built anti-exploitation features.
"It's kind of like if malware authors are pulling out enough fish from their favourite fishing hole, why go to explore other fishing holes," says Smith.
Although the Flashback trojan is a mere single case, it was a turning point in the debate over whether Mac users need to install antivirus.
"Apple has inbuilt antivirus called XProtect but if you look at what happened with this recent outbreak - I'm still sort of up in the air about it because it's one incident but if you were weren't sure before, now I would think maybe you should do it," says Miller.
Microsoft's Redmond route or Apple's infinity loop
Whether Apple's sluggishness is a fair measure by which to judge the quality of its security goes deeper than the speed and regularity of its updates.
"Windows allow Oracle to patch Java, but Apple says: 'No, only I can do that'. So that's why [Apple] seems slower," explains Miller. "It wasn't like there was a race between Microsoft and Apple and Microsoft won; it's just Microsoft lets third parties run updates themselves and Apple doesn't."
Smith explains the philosophical differences between the two.
"Apple's design philosophy utilises closely-coupled components to ensure they work seamlessly and make the best use of Apple technology. Including Java is an extension of this design philosophy."
"Microsoft's philosophy has always been to provide core components and allow third parties to develop code that runs on the core operating system with the idea that a machine can be extended beyond Microsoft's capabilities."
For Redmond-based Microsoft this approach applied to antivirus too, leading to a complex set of choices for consumers that it appears ready to simplify in Windows 8.
Windows 7's in-built security product, Defender, only guarded against spyware but not viruses, leaving a wide-berth for third-party security vendors to sell fully-fledged antivirus. Microsoft's own antivirus Security Essentials was free, but only available as a separate download on non-pirated Windows systems.
Microsoft announced last year it would bolster Defender in Windows 8 to protect against "all types of malware, including viruses, worms, bots and rootkits". The company had found that a quarter of Windows 7 users who bought PCs with pre-installed antivirus never activated their subscription after the free trial period, leaving them exposed.
It's a minor but important improvement that suggests it may have learned from past mistakes, such as its implementation of "User Access Control" (UAC) in Windows Vista, which over-actively alerted users any time software required 'administrative' or elevated system privileges.
"Microsoft inconvenienced the consumer almost to the point where most consumers didn't even want to install Windows Vista," Smith says. "UAC required a lot of effort from the end user."
What Apple got more right than Microsoft, and has expressed most elegantly in its mobile device platform iOS, is that users should have little say over security.
"On well-designed systems, it doesn't matter what the user does, they're still going to be protected. You should try to design them so that it doesn't matter what users do. That's iOS," says Miller.
Apple will partially extend this model in its upcoming release of OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion, requiring all application makers who want to distribute software on Apple's Mac App Store to apply for an Apple Developer ID as part of its Gatekeeper security feature.
Microsoft will require developers who want to distribute apps on its Windows Metro 8 store to undergo a similar process, signaling a shift by both vendors to stem threats by filtering software through a centrally-controlled gateway.
"It's smart because it takes the decisions of security away from the users who just want install some game or software," says Miller.
Perhaps the irony is that as vendors begin to implement security controls away from the device and user, the information consumers want to protect is also moving outside the device to the apps and to the cloud.
Vendors like Apple, Microsoft, Google and Amazon are providing fertile grounds for storage and integration of data outside the devices' operating systems. The question is, do people have reason to trust these platforms any more than their own ability to protect data on the device?