Friday, 13 April 2012

The New Mac Book Pro

If you’re the owner of a new 15-or 17-inch MacBook Pro with Thunderbolt, you may be undergoing a serious problem that many other customers are also dealing with. Owners of 2011 MacBook Pros have reported on the Apple Discussion board, as well as on the MacRumors forum, that the new machines are freezing up entirely when under an extensive load.

Just one of the Support threads is already 47 pages long and counting. Posters are saying the problem is the notebooks will freeze even as sound continues to play. The cursor will also still be movable, but the computer is completely unresponsive. Apparently, there’s only one way to solve the problem: a hard reboot.

In one thread, the first post says the MacBook Pros are overheating, with fans revving up suddenly, and then the owner not being able to do anything besides move the cursor. The author of the post said he wasn’t doing anything unusual, but had seven apps open and was in the middle of an auto-backup to Time Machine. Other posts say they were using CPU-intensive programs like iMovie when their system crashed.

As a MacBook owner myself, the complaint that Apple notebooks run hot and can be noise is nothing new, but the problem of the notebooks crashing is something new.

The problem was so persistent that one customer wrote in the Apple discussion board that he was able to reproduce it on every MacBook Pro at his local Apple Store. Another user said he reproduced the problem on three different machines. This MBP-Freeze Wiki runs through the steps you can take to re-create the crash to see if your MacBook has the issue. Though if it does, you’ve probably already noticed it by now.

According to some posts on the support forum, Apple is telling people who are experiencing the “hard freeze” that their system is faulty and they need a replacement. But, if the problem is the product itself, a replacement isn’t going to to solve it, and some customers are still dealing with the problems even after receiving replacements.

These problems may have MacBook Pro owners question buying the $2,000 computer in the first place. Do you own a 2011 MacBook Pro, and if so, have you run into this problem yet? Let us know what happened in the comments below.