Friday, 6 April 2012


 (a) RAM & ROM:-ROM is an acronym for Read-Only Memory. It refers to computer memory chips containing permanent or semi-permanent pre-recorded programs. Unlike RAM, ROM is non-volatile. Even after you turn off your computer, the contents of the ROM remains available.
RAM stands for Random Access Memory. RAM is the place where your computer temporarily stores its operating system, application programs, and current data, so that the computer's processor can reach them quickly and easily. When people refer to your computer's memory, they mostly mean its RAM, and it is volatile. Not volatile in the                          common term, as it won't catch file or explode. Volatile in this instance means that when you turn off your computer, anything in RAM disappears or is erased.

(b) DATA & INFORMATION:-Both information and data are types of knowledge, a concept for which English has numerous words.
Information - “knowledge obtained from investigation or communication.” Detectives and journalists gather information. Just the facts

Data  “reliable information based on observation and record-keeping.” Scientists, marketing specialists, and government agencies gather data.

 (c) SOFTWARE & HARDWARE:-There are several differences between computer hardware and software. However, the fundamental difference between hardware and software is that hardware is a physical device something that you're able to touch and see. For example, the computer monitor you're viewing this text on or the mouse you're using to navigate is considered computer hardware.

Software is code and instructions that tell a computer and/or hardware how to operate. This code can be viewed and executed using a computer or other hardware device. However, without any hardware software would not exist. An examples of software is Microsoft Windows, an operating system that allows you to control your computer and other programs that run on it. Another example of software is the Internet browser you're using to view this page.